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V / Vision Divine / Angel of Revenge

You can try to put me down
Hit me, as you never did before
Watch me bleeding on the ground
See now, how I stand up screaming for some more

Every hurt that you caused
Made me feel I am stronger than you all
And every tear that I cried all alone
And awake in the night

Every time that you spit out your lies, oh!
My world was falling down
Now it's time to leave it all behind

Eye to eye, we close it here tonight
Yes, we close it here and then goodbye

Break the silence, screaming loud
I'm the angel of revenge, no more crying
Turning from the ashes to a new life
Look into my eyes and realize,
Now I'm back and I am here to stay

The day you turn, looking at your past
remember me and those once friends who by then will be gone
And remember the scars that you've drawn on my skin and on my soul
Where have all we gone? Ghosts of your past days

Eye to eye, we closed it on that night
Yes, we closed it there and then goodbye

Break the silence, screaming loud
I'm the angel of revenge, no more crying
Turning from the ashes to a new life
Look into my eyes and realize,
Now I'm back and I am here to stay

And after all
We have one life
One run to go we can't rewind
What we have done

We are like leaves
On an old tree
Exposed to wind in a stormy fall

While the yellow slowly colors all our lives….

Break the silence, screaming loud
I'm the angel of revenge, no more crying
Turning from the ashes to a new life
Look into my eyes and realize,
Now I'm back and I am here to stay
I am here to stay
'Cause I'm the chosen one
I am here to stay
Teksty umieszczone na naszej stronie są własnością wytwórni, wykonawców, osób mających do nich prawa.
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