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T / Teenage Wrist / Supermachine

You'll never win
Fighting the man with no face
Trying to please
Everybody, it's a waste

Nothing is hard, it just feels hard
Nothing is free, but it's easy
To believe in supermachine
Am I still me?
I'll never be part of the supermachine

Barter your life
Wait for the needle to move
Everything dies
Everything outside of you

Nothing is real, it just seems real
Nothing has meaning to be
Stuck in the teeth of supermachine
Am I still me?
I'll never be part of the supermachine

And we're comfortable in dreaming
Yeah, it's easy to believe in...

Am I still me?
I'll never be part of the super-
Stuck in the supermachine
Teksty umieszczone na naszej stronie są własnością wytwórni, wykonawców, osób mających do nich prawa.
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