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P / POP ETC / New Life

Everyday I wonder if he's hurt you
Everyday I wake up in a cold sweat
And I can't say if I was any better
The way I acted, all the lies

And when I'm driving through this city
I can't help but look for you in every face I see
But I know that you would never stay here
You had to run far away, you pushed me so far away

If I could give it all back, give it all back
For just one more day with you
If I could give it all back, give it all back
For just one more day with you

If I could give it all back, give it all back
For just one more day with you
If I could give it all back, give it all back
For just one more day with you

[Growing up I always thought I had to be, like
One kind of guy, you know?
Talk one way, act one way, think one way
So early on I decided I was gonna be a top guy
You know, a shark
And bite my way to the top or whatever
And so I did for a long time
When El came along, she taught me
I don't have to be that guy all the time, you know
One day I can be somebody else
And the next day I can be someone else entirely
When she was around, I could be anybody
But when she left, I was all alone
And when I'm all alone, it's just me]

If I could give it all back, give it all back
For just one more day with you
If I could give it all back, give it all back
For just one more day with you

If I could give it all back, give it all back
For just one more day with you
If I could give it all back, give it all back
For just one more day with you
Teksty umieszczone na naszej stronie są własnością wytwórni, wykonawców, osób mających do nich prawa.
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