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P / Per Gessle / Jo-anna Says

Jo-Anna spends an hour with her magazine
The day is kinda grey and so lazy
She goes ah-ah-ah-ah-ah...
And hey boy
Jo-Anna's in the mirror in her dressing gown
Talking to a friend who lives uptown
She goes ah-ah-ah-ah-ah...

My love... and beyond
Oh, I wish she was
My love... and beyond

Jo-Anna says - I'm not the only one
Jo-Anna says - I'll never be the one
But when she smiles there's something in her eyes
That tells me I'm not like the other guys
Jo-Anna says - I have to give it time
Jo-Anna says - You just gotta make up my mind
Jo-Anna says - I have to wait in the line
And come back tomorrow

Sitting in a window in a cheap hotel
Lighting up the room with a candle, candle, candle
I go ah-ah-ah-ah-ah...
Hey boy
She says that I'm a mess any given day
But laughs as she leaves for a party
I go ah-ah-ah-ah-ah...

Jo-Anna says - I'm not the only one
Jo-Anna says - I'll never be the one
But when she smiles there's something in her eyes
That tells me I'm not like the other guys
Jo-Anna says - I have to give it time
Jo-Anna says - you just gotta make up my mind
Jo-Anna says - I have to stand in the line
And come back tomorrow yeah

Oh oh oh oh
Hey Jo-Anna
Oh oh oh oh...

My love... and beyond
Oh, I wish she was
My love... and beyond, beyond

Jo-Anna says - I'm not the only one
Jo-Anna says - I'll never be the one
But when she smiles there's something in her eyes
That tells me I'm not like the other guys
Jo-Anna says - I have to give it time
Jo-Anna says - You just gotta make up my mind
Jo-Anna says - I have to stand in the line
And come back tomorrow, yeah

I'm not the only one
I'll never be the one
Hey hey Jo-Anna

Jo-Anna says - I have to give it time
Jo-Anna says - You just gotta make up my mind
Jo-Anna says - I have to stand in the line
And come back tomorrow oh oh oh oh

Jo-Anna says
Jo-Anna says
I never be the one
Jo-Anna says
Hey Jo-Anna
Hey Jo-Anna
Jo-Anna says
Yea yea yea yeaaaah
Jo-Anna says
Teksty umieszczone na naszej stronie są własnością wytwórni, wykonawców, osób mających do nich prawa.
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 · Per Gessle - Silly Really

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