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N / Nasty Savage / Merciless Truths

Uncommon valor
is a common
eternal disguise
for all you
a large slice
of life
for sake of
the eyes

Merciless truths
it was a
master plan
define the realm
of the cycle
of man
eternal disguise
for all you
a large slice
of life
for sake of
the eyes

You hate the
you can not
psycho psycho
its inside
your brain
you loved me
for no gain
at all
but to rejoice
and triumph
in my fall
those who know
do not speak much
those who speak
do not know
he has observed
the golden rule
he has become
the golden fool


Merciless truths
it was a
master plan
define the realm
of the cycle
of man
eternal disguise
for all you
a large slice
of life
for sake of
the eyes

Uncommon valor
is a common
eternal disguise
for all you
a large slice of life
for sake of
the eyes
the eyes
Teksty umieszczone na naszej stronie są własnością wytwórni, wykonawców, osób mających do nich prawa.
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