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I / I / Curse we are

Emerged from the shadows
Reincarnated by the walls
Into the blackened meadows
Straight into the darkside falls
All souls on fire
Coloured by a bloodred sky
The flames reaching higher
Feel the glimpse of red tonight

The curse of men
Has become our fate
It brought us here
To end our days
Countdown for the walls of time
The age of light will pass away

The storm race against us
A thousands days of misery
All fall in twilight
Burning for eternity
Oh what an age to reign
Blasting flames in the sky
Waiting for that moment
Journey to the other side

The curse of men
Has become our fate
It brought us here
To end our days
Countdown for the walls of time
The age of light will pass away

There's no essence,no future
You wouldn't know what I have seen
There's no essence,no future
Cursed we are - eternally

Fly souls of hatred
Spread your wings across the sky
To the end of the earth
Riding at the speed of light
All end in damage
Mindless voices call your name
Devoted to the darkness
Driven by the force that reigns

Cursed we are to die as men
Beneath the gods of ice and sand
Cursed we are - all
The earth man and sky shall fall

There's no essence,no future
You wouldn't know what I have seen
There's no essence,no future
Cursed we are - eternall
Teksty umieszczone na naszej stronie są własnością wytwórni, wykonawców, osób mających do nich prawa.
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