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I / I / Bridges of fire

Cross the woods of no return
Embrace the flames awaiting me
Cross the bridge where fire burn
Eternal deeps toward the pass
I'm beyond the darkness gates
Emerged into the shades

Searching for the wisdom of the ages
Crossing the bridges

Woods of passage to the north
Clouds divide an endless wind
Mountains here in fog they lay
Swept by mist all night and day

All majestic, all divine
Shields of wind and light
Locked beyond the shadowed paths
Under heavy skies

Searching for the wisdom of the ages
Feel the flame within my soul
Crossing the bridges of fire

Passing the bridges to the rivers of red
Souls on fire, head by head
Passing the gates to the infernal sky
Knowing the wisdom of all dark and night

Across the woods of no return
Embrace the flames awaiting me
Across the bridge where fire burn
Eternal deeps toward the pass

Searching for the wisdom of the ages
Suffering through all the years
Crossing the bridges of fire
Teksty umieszczone na naszej stronie są własnością wytwórni, wykonawców, osób mających do nich prawa.
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