- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - A New Saber
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - An Unscheduled Stop
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - AT-AT Hijacked
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - BD-1 and the Boglings
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Bogano
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Broken Saber
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Cal Kestis
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Chieftain Tarfful
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Confronting the Past
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Crashed Venator
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Eno Cordova's Theme
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Exploring Ancient Tombs
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Failure Is Not the End
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Fight and Flight
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Flight of the Shyyyo Bird
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Flore and Fauna
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Fortress Inquisitorius
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Gorgara, The Chyrodactyl
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Ilum
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Infiltration
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Jedi Starfighter
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Kashyyyk
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Memories of Days Past
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Merrin
| - Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Nightsister
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Oggdo Bogdo
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Opening the Vault
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Peacekeepers
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Project Auger
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Saw's Plan
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Saw's Speech
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Taron Malicos
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - The Inquisition
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - The Mantis Lands
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - The Ninth Sister
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - The Origin Tree
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - The Path of the Three Sages
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - The wanderer
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - The Will of the Force
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - To Dathomir
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Tomb of Kujet
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Trilla
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Wookiee Liberation
- Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton - Zeffo