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G / God Forbid / Earthsblood

I haven't been your king
I promised I would be
Addiction fill the free
Free realm I used to be
Am I helpless to the fate of this world?
Has color or belief separated us?
Separation...from our neighbors
The secrets you try to hide are revealed time and time again
We reap the day
Can't go back home
We scavenge graves
Off to hell we go
I never thought it would come to this
Bare witness to the destructive power of man
Why has it come to this?
Rules broken and changed to satisfy
We reap the day
Can't go back home
We scavenge graves
Off to hell we go

[Solo: Doc]
[Lead: Dallas]

All together we stand and rise
Or there will be blood
Opposition set around me
Illusion of equality
Liberty, a far cry
All together we stand and rise
Or there will be blood
Opposition set around me
Illusion of equality
Liberty, a far cry
I haven't been your king
I promised I would be
Addiction fill the free
Free realm I used to be

[Solo: Doc, Kris Norris]

We are born of conviction
Reality is my muse
Become the meditation
The tragedy reveals the truth
We are born of conviction
Reality is my muse
Become the meditation
The tragedy reveals the truth
Scratching the surface
Looking for answers
What do you see when you see me?
The remains of a world in rage
And the gaze of a dead eye

All together we stand and rise
All together we stand and rise
All together we stand and rise
All together we stand and rise
Teksty umieszczone na naszej stronie są własnością wytwórni, wykonawców, osób mających do nich prawa.
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