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E / Emm Gryner / Young Rebel

1:45 and I feel barely alive
I think of you in these times
Soundcheck handstands in an icicle land
Carbon monoxide hymns in your hands
Young rebel with your head in the sky
You're never coming down, you're never gonna die
Young rebel with your head in the sky
You're never coming down, you're never gonna die
And then you trace your face with some late-summer grace
Gun down all the suits in this place
If the sun comes back like a sniper in black
You know how to medicate the sadness attack
Young rebel with your head in the sky
You're never coming down, you're never gonna die
Young rebel with your head in the sky
You're never coming down, you're never gonna die
Turning the page with your mischief and rage
Silent like a spy backstage
Forget the cocaine and wine because you're much smarter live
I think of you just to save me some time
Young rebel with your head in the sky
You're never coming down, you're never gonna die
Young rebel with your head in the sky
You're never coming down, you're never gonna die
Young rebel with your head in the sky
You're never coming down you're never gonna die
(Sing till the end of the world comes by, give us all a number while we're wondering why)
Teksty umieszczone na naszej stronie są własnością wytwórni, wykonawców, osób mających do nich prawa.
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