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E / EMM / Strangers

Do you remember the day
The sun was pouring in your window and the waves
Were the only sound and both of us were bathed
In sunlight we laid on our sides and faced
Each other and you swore that you would marry me

Someday when you grow up
Will you remember our love?
Or will I just be a stranger?
Someday when we grow up
Will you forget about us?
Will we just be strangers?

Four months have passed
Since the time that we spoke last everyday
I need you less but I love you all the same
I think on all the promises we've made
And what changed...

Someday when you grow up
Will you remember our love?
Or will I just be a stranger?
Someday when we grow up
Will you forget about us?
Will we just be strangers?

[Instrumental Break]

Darling, oh you let me down
Let me down, you let me down
Are you happy, happy now?
Hope you're happy, happy now
Darling, oh you let me down
Let me down, you let me down
Are you better off somehow?
Hope you're happy, happy now

Cuz darling, oh you let me down
Let me down, you let me down
Are you better off somehow?
Hope you're happy, happy now
Darling, oh you let me down
Let me down, you let me down
Are you happy, happy now?
Hope you're happy, happy now

Darling, oh you let me down
Let me down, you let me down
Are you better off somehow?
Hope you're happy, happy now
I hope you're happy, happy now
I hope you're happy, happy now
I hope you're happy, happy now
I hope you're happy, happy now
Teksty umieszczone na naszej stronie są własnością wytwórni, wykonawców, osób mających do nich prawa.
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