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E / EMM / Spock

Life is better when you're on top
Drink me up like I'm a cherry pop
Oh your rhythm gonna make my candy rock

Imma be ya cougar when you be my silver fox
We could be electric I could ---- you into shock
If you wanna go ya never gonna wanna stop

Oh baby ring my alarm
Set me on fire in your arms
Oh baby ring my alarm

Life is better when you're on top
Life is better when you're on top
Life is better when you're on top
Life is better when you're on top

Life is better when you're on top
If I'm gonna work ya then I'd rather be the boss
Sandy to your Danny if you wanna Grease me up
I'll call you Cappy Kirk, baby maybe we could spock
If you're gonna ride, take me to the body shop
If I go fast, you can cuff me like a cop

Oh baby ring my alarm
Set me on fire in your arms
Oh baby ring my alarm

Life is better when you're on top
Life is better when you're on top
Life is better when you're on top
Life is better when you're on top
Teksty umieszczone na naszej stronie są własnością wytwórni, wykonawców, osób mających do nich prawa.
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Teledyski » EMM...
 · Emma Pollock - Acid Test
 · Emma Pollock - Paper & Glue
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 · Emmanuel Moire - Ca me fait du bien
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 · Emmanuelle Seigner - Distant Lover
 · Emmanuelle Seigner - You Think You're A Man
 · Emmelie de Forest - Drunk Tonight

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