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C / Circle II Circle / Soul Breaker

Soul Breaker
As I watch the road go by
Sometimes loneliness is better in disguise
Secret sins opening a new world
I’m think I’toying
With a lighter side of evil

I can see you’re the best by far
Down the road I’m heading on

Lost in your spell tonight
I am melting inside
I’m a witness to your power
I’m addicted to your touch
Soul breaker

You were sent
Through the black and cold of night
In your presence I am paralyzed
You fill my head with everything I need to trust
There’s no hope for this
I will turn to dust

I can feel the chains of my heart
Don’t know why I’m hanging on

Lost in your spell tonight
I am melting inside
I’m a witness to your power
I’m addicted to your touch
Soul breaker
Teksty umieszczone na naszej stronie są własnością wytwórni, wykonawców, osób mających do nich prawa.
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